TCDB is operated by the Saier Lab Bioinformatics Group

1.D.106.  The Synthetic Self-assembly Y-shaped Aromatic Pore-precursor (SSYAP) Family 

The SSYAP family resulted from a complex synthesis pathway resulting in the preparation of a Y-shaped hydrophobic aromatic string of residues and chemical moieties that insert into membranes to form pores, therreby killing cancer cells (Du et al. 2018). Self-assembly-directed membrane insertion of the synthetic analogues was observed. An expanded pi-conjugation-based molecular precursor resulted that had extremely high rigidity and a long hydrophobic length that was comparable to the hydrophobic width of a plasma membrane. The originally soluble precursors were transformed into hydrophobic monomers for self-assembly, inserting  exclusively into the fluid phase of membranes. Membrane insertion of these rigid synthetic analogues destroyed the selective permeability of the membrane (Du et al. 2018).

References associated with 1.D.106 family:

Du, E., X. Hu, G. Li, S. Zhang, D. Mang, S. Roy, T. Sasaki, and Y. Zhang. (2018). Self-Assembly-Directed Cancer Cell Membrane Insertion of Synthetic Analogues for Permeability Alteration. Langmuir. [Epub: Ahead of Print] 30091933