1.D.147. The Two-dimensional Metalic Nanofluidic Molybdenum disulfide, MoS2 Membrane (MoS2M) Family
Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) can be used to harvest osmotic energy. Exploration of the application and viability of MoS2 in a robust macroscopic-scale two-dimensional (2D) nanofluidic membrane and acquisition of fundamentals of how the phase structure influences the power generation process have been studied. (Zhu et al. 2021 showed that robust and stable composite membranes made up of 2D metallic MoS2 can act as high-performance osmotic power generators. Both experimental and simulation results revealed that the higher electron density of metallic MoS2 increases the affinity of cations for the surface, which confers upon the system excellent ion selectivity and high ionic flux. Through these transmembrane structures, selective ion diffusion can occur.