1.D.175. The Artificial Lipoid-supported Anion Porin Ensemble (ALAPE) Family
By modeling an artificial lipoid-supported porin ensemble, Chen et al. 2022 explored and established the electochemiluminescence (ECL) potency in profiling ion-channel activities. A lipophilic hollowed construct dubbed ZnPC was made out of the dynamic covalent chemistry, and its unique geometry was characterized that configured stoichiometric ECL-emissive units in a cubic stance, while the aliphatic vertices of ZnPC helped it safely snorkel and steadily irradiate in a biofilm fusion. After expounding basic ECL properties, the brightness was traced out in response to halogen contents that was lit up by F-/Cl- but down by Br-/I-. The overall pattern fitted the Langmuir isotherm, from which the membrane-binding strengths of the four were analyzed, compared, and collaterally examined in impedimetrics. One could derive anionic transmembrane kinetics from the time-dependent ECL statistics that pinpointed the ECL signaling via the nanocage-directed mass-transfer pathway. More data mining unveiled an ECL-featured Hofmeister series and the thermodynamic governing force behind all scenes. Finally, combining with halide-selective fluorometry, the synthetic conduit was identified as an ECL symporter. Thus, a novel ECL model for the evaluation of life-mimicking membrane permeation is available. It might intrigue the outreach of ECL applications in the measurement of diverse surface-confined transient scenarios, e.g., in vitro gated ion or molecule trafficking, which used to be handled by nanopore and electrofluorochromic assays (Chen et al. 2022).