TCDB is operated by the Saier Lab Bioinformatics Group

1.D.261.  The Self-assembled I-Quartet (HCx) Artificial Water Channel (HCx-AWC) Family 

Artificial water channels (AWCs) have been extensively explored to mimic natural proteins, which effectively transport water while blocking ion transport. As one of the first AWCs, self-assembled I-quartets (HCx) have showcased high water-permselectivity that can be enhanced by improving their distribution and stability within membranes. The use of long alkyl chains (n>8) is constrained by their low solubility and aggregation. Su et al. 2024 considered cycloalkyl moieties, considered for their increase in solubility favoring enhanced partition and/ for their self-assembly behavior resulting in the formation of effective stable water-channels with increased water permeability in bilayer membranes. This class of cycloalkyl-ureido-ethyl-imidazole amphiphilic (CxUH) channel can serve as a new reference for the effective design of self-assembled artificial water channels. They may give rise to applications in desalination and in water treatments (Su et al. 2024).

References associated with 1.D.261 family:

Su, D.D., A. van der Lee, and M. Barboiu. (2024). Partitioning / self-assembly of artificial water channels - toward controlled permselectivity through bilayer membrane. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl e202413816. [Epub: Ahead of Print] 39301985