1.D.300. The Artificial DNA-encoded K+ Channel Mimic (ADKCM) Family
The advancement of cell-mimic materials, which can forge sophisticated physicochemical dialogues with living cells, has unlocked a realm of intriguing prospects within the fields of synthetic biology and biomedical engineering. Inspired by the evolutionarily acquired ability of T lymphocytes to release perforin and generate transmembrane channels in targeted cells for killing, Li et al. 2024 presented a pioneering DNA-encoded artificial T cell mimic model (ARTC) that accurately mimics T-cell-like behavior. ARTC responds to acidic conditions similar to those found in the tumor microenvironment and then selectively releases a G-rich DNA strand (LG4) embedded with C12 lipid and cholesterol molecules. Once released, LG4 effectively integrates into the membranes of neighboring live cells, behaving as an artificial transmembrane channel that selectively transports K+ ions and disrupts cellular homeostasis, ultimately inducing apoptosis. Li et al. 2024 hope that the emergence of ARTC will usher in new perspectives for revolutionizing future disease treatment and catalyzing the development of advanced biomedical technologies. Artificial transmembrane potassium transporters have been reviewed (Yuan et al. 2024).