TCDB is operated by the Saier Lab Bioinformatics Group

20 component system: The Gp27/5 T4-baseplate (T4-BP) Family

P16009 Gp5
P17172 Gp27
P13332 Tail sheath protein Gp18
P13333 Tail tube protein Gp19
P10929 Baseplate structural protein Gp11
P10928 Baseplate structural protein Gp10
P19061 Baseplate structural protein Gp7
P19062 Baseplate structural protein Gp8
P19060 Baseplate structural protein Gp6
P16011 Baseplate structural protein Gp53
P09425 Tail lysozyme
P13337 Tail-tube assembly protein Gp29
P10927 Baseplate structural protein Gp9
P10930 Short tail fiber protein
P13339 Tail-tube assembly protein Gp48
P13341 Tail-tube assembly protein Gp54
P13331 Tail sheath-stabilizing protein Gp3
P11112 Tail connector protein Gp15
P13335 Baseplate structural protein Gp26
P13336 Baseplate structural protein Gp28