TCID | Name | Domain | Kingdom/Phylum | Protein(s) |
9.B.169.1.1 | 9 or 10 TMS protein of 402 aas of unknown function with a C-terminal DUF418 domain and a full length YeiB domain, YxaH. The expression of its gene is regulated by two repressors, LmrA and QdoR, which also regulate the lmrAB operon which encodes LmrA as well as the multidrug resistance MFS drug exporter, LmrB (TC# 2.A.1.3.61) (Hirooka and Fujita 2011). Therefore, YxaH could be an MDR pump. Both of the two repressors bind flavonoids which cause them to dissociate from the DNA, promoting induction of gene expression, also consistent with YxaH being an MDR pump. | Bacteria |
Bacillota | YxaH of Bacillus subtilis |
9.B.169.1.2 | YeiB of 385 aas and 8 - 10 TMSs with a C-terminal DUF418 domain. It is encoded within an operon: yeiB-folE where FolE is GTP cyclohydrolase I, the first enzyme in the biosynthesis of tetrahydrofolic acid (El Yacoubi et al. 2006). Therefore YeiB could be a transporter of a derivative in the folate biosynthetic pathway (see also TC# 9.B.169.1.1). | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | YeiB of E. coli |
9.B.169.1.3 | Uncharacterized protein of 421 aas and 8 TMSs. | Bacteria |
Actinomycetota | UP of Cellulomonas fimi |
9.B.169.1.4 | Uncharacterized protein of 417 aas and 10 TMSs | Bacteria |
Actinomycetota | UP of Sanguibacter keddieii |
9.B.169.1.5 | Uncharacterized protein of 361 aas and 10 TMSs. | Bacteria |
Bacteroidota | UP of Psychroflexus torquis |
9.B.169.1.6 | Uncharacterized protein of 383 aas and 9 TMSs | Bacteria |
Bacillota | UP of Paenibacillus mucilaginosus |
9.B.169.1.7 | Uncharacterized protein of 468 aas and 10 TMSs. | Bacteria |
Acidobacteriota | UP of Terriglobus saanensis |
9.B.169.1.8 | Uncharacterized protein of 432 aas and 10 TMSs | Archaea |
Euryarchaeota | UP of Halobiforma lacisalsi |
9.B.169.1.9 | Uncharacterized protein of 403 aas and 10 TMSs. | Bacteria |
Actinomycetota | UP of Nocardia brasiliensis |
9.B.169.1.10 | Uncharacterized protein of 445 aas and 10 TMSs | Bacteria |
Actinomycetota | UP of Thermobifida fusca |
9.B.169.1.11 | Uncharacterized protein of 309 aas and 8 TMSs | Bacteria |
Actinomycetota | UP of Streptosporangium roseum |
9.B.169.1.12 | Uncharacterized protein of 392 aas and 10 TMSs | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | UP of Vibrio halioticol |
9.B.169.2.1 | Uncharacterized protein of 381 aas and 11 TMSs | Archaea |
Euryarchaeota | UP of Methanosarcina acetivorans |
9.B.169.2.2 | Uncharacterized protein of 245 aas and 7 TMSs | Archaea |
Euryarchaeota | UP of Methanococcus maripaludis |
9.B.169.2.3 | Uncharacterized protein, putative acy transferase of 376 aas and 11 TMSs | Bacteria |
Ignavibacteriota | UP of Ignavibacterium album |
9.B.169.2.4 | DUF1624 protein of 260 aas and 8 TMSs. | Archaea |
Euryarchaeota | DUF1624 of Methanobacterium formicicum |
9.B.169.2.5 | Uncharacterized protein of 394 aas and 11 TMSs | Bacteria |
Bacteroidota | UP of Zobellia galactanivorans |
9.B.169.2.6 | DUF1624 domain-containing protein of 389 aas and 12 TMSs in a possible 5 + 5 + 2 TMS arrangement. | Bacteria |
Cyanobacteriota | DUF1624 domain protein of Moorea sp. SIO2B7 |
9.B.169.3.1 | DUF418 domain-containing transporter of 376 aas and 10 TMSs | Bacteria |
Myxococcota | UP of Enhygromyxa salina |
9.B.169.3.2 | Uncharacterized protein of 364 aas and 10 TMSs in a 5 + 5 arrangement. | Bacteria |
Myxococcota | UP of Sorangiineae bacterium |
9.B.169.3.3 | Uncharacterized protein of 400 aas and 10 TMSs in an apparent 3 + 2 + 3 + 2 arrangement. | Bacteria |
Chloroflexota | UP of Chloroflexi bacterium HGW-Chloroflexi-5 |
9.B.169.3.4 | DUF418 acyltransferase family protein of 375 aas and 10 TMSs. | Archaea |
Candidatus Lokiarchaeota | DUF418 protein of Lokiarchaeum sp. GC14_75 |
9.B.169.3.5 | Uncharacterized acyltransferase family protein of 373 aas and 10 TMSs. similar to its paralogue with TC# 9.B.169.3.4. The two proteins are encoded by two adject genes on the archaeal chromosome. | Archaea |
Candidatus Lokiarchaeota | UP of Lokiarchaeum sp. GC14_75 |
9.B.169.4.1 | Heparana α-glucosaminide N-acetyltransferase, HGSNAT or MEM76. Of 663 aas and 12 TMSs in a 1 + 1 + 5 + 5 TMS arrangement. Mutations cause mucopolysaccharidosis 3C (Fan et al. 2006). This lysosomal acetyltransferase acetylates the non-reducing terminal alpha-glucosamine residue of intralysosomal heparin or heparan sulfate, converting it into a substrate for luminal alpha-N-acetyl glucosaminidase (Durand et al. 2010). | Eukaryota |
Metazoa, Chordata | |
9.B.169.4.2 | Uncharacterized DUF5009 protein of 373 aas and 10 TMSs in a 5 + 5 arrangement. | Bacteria |
Bacteroidota | UP of Bacteroides cellulosilyticus |
9.B.169.4.3 | Uncharacterized DUF5009 protein of 442 aas and 10 TMSs in a 5 + 5 arrangement. | Bacteria |
Actinomycetota | UP of Mobiluncus mulieris |
9.B.169.4.4 | Uncharacterized DUF3009 protein of 418 aas and 10 TMSs in a 5 + 5 arrangement. | Bacteria |
Planctomycetota | DUF5009 protein of Singulisphaera acidiphila |
9.B.169.4.5 | Uncharacterized but putative heparan-alpha-glucosaminide N-acetyltransferase (annotation) of 395 aas and 10 TMSs. | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | UP of Pseudoalteromonas lipolytica |
9.B.169.4.6 | DUF5009 domain-containing proteinof 387 aas and 10 TMSs in a 5 + 5 arrangement. | Bacteria |
Verrucomicrobiota | DUF5009 of Prosthecobacter debontii |
9.B.169.5.1 | Uncharacteerized OpgC-domain containing protein of 425 aas and 10 TMSs. | Archaea |
Candidatus Lokiarchaeota | UP of Candidatus Prometheoarchaeum syntrophicum |
9.B.169.5.2 | Uncharacterized protein of 463 aas and 10 TMSs | Bacteria |
Spirochaetota | UP of Spirochaeta isovalerica |
9.B.169.5.3 | Uncharacterized protein of 488 aas and 10 TMSs. | Archaea |
Candidatus Heimdallarchaeota | UP of Candidatus Heimdallarchaeota archaeon AB_125 (marine sediment |