TCID | Name | Domain | Kingdom/Phylum | Protein(s) |
9.B.27.1.1 | The YdjX protein. While not individually essential, the eight E. coli DedA family proteins are collectively essential (Boughner and Doerrler 2012). The protein has 235 aas and 6 TMSs in a 3 + 3 TMS arrangement. This is often represented in more detail in an unusual 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 TMS arrangement, but this is only characteristic in DedA family subfamily 1. | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | YdjX of E. coli |
9.B.27.1.2 | The YdjZ protein. While not individually essential, the eight E. coli DedA family proteins are collectively essential (Boughner and Doerrler 2012). | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | YdjZ of E. coli |
9.B.27.1.3 | DedA homologue; possible phospholipase D/transphosphatidylase domain protein of 223 aas and 6 TMSs in a 3 + 3 TMS arrangement. | Bacteria |
Actinomycetota | DedA of Rhodococcus ruber |
9.B.27.1.4 | Hypothetical protein of 195 aas and 5 TMSs | Bacteria |
Planctomycetota | HP of Rhodopirellula baltica |
9.B.27.1.5 | DedA-domain protein of 179 aas and 5 TMSs. | Bacteria |
Chloroflexota | DedA protein of Anaerolinea thermophila |
9.B.27.1.6 | TVP38/TMEM64 family protein, YdjX, of 215 aas and 5 TMSs in a 2 + 3 TMS arrangement. | Bacteria |
Bacillota | TVP38 protein of Terribacillus saccharophilus |
9.B.27.1.7 | Oxalate exporter, Fp0AR (Watanabe et al. 2010). Oxalate transport in F. palustris was ATP- dependent and was strongly inhibited by several inhibitors, such as valinomycin and NH4+, suggesting the presence of a secondary oxalate transporter in this fungus. | Eukaryota |
Fungi | Fp0AR of Fomitopsis palustris (D7UNZ8) |
9.B.27.1.8 | Transmembrane protein 41B, TMEM41B, of 291 aas and 5 or 6 TMSs in a possible 1 + 2 + 3 TMS arrangement. It is required for normal motor neuron development as well as autophagosome formation (Morita et al. 2018; Shoemaker et al. 2019). TMEM41B and VMP1, two endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident transmembrane proteins, play important roles in regulating the formation of lipid droplets (LDs), autophagy initiation, and viral infection. Both are critical to the normal distribution of cholesterol and phosphatidylserine, and they have ER scramblase activities, thus shedding light on the mechanism by which TMEM41B and VMP1 regulate LD formation, lipid distribution, macroautophagy, and viral infection (Zhang et al. 2021; Nakao and Nakano 2022). Both are lipd scramblases (Sebinelli et al. 2024). | Eukaryota |
Metazoa, Chordata | TMEM41B of Homo sapiens (Human) |
9.B.27.1.9 | Transmembrane protein 41A, TMEM41A, of 264 aas and 5 TMSs in a 1 + 2 + 2 TMS arrangement. TMEM41A is associated with metastasis via the modulation of E‑cadherin (Lin et al. 2018) | Eukaryota |
Metazoa, Chordata | TMEM41A of Homo sapiens |
9.B.27.1.10 | Stasimon or TMEM41b of 320 aas and (5 or) 6 TMSs in a probable 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 TMS arrangement. The protein localizes to mitochondria-associated ER membranes and is essential for mouse embryonic development (Van Alstyne et al. 2018). It is a lipid scramblase involved in the processing and transport of GPI-anchored proteins (Cao et al. 2023). Inhibition of TMEM41B-dependent lipid scrambling promotes GPI-AP processing in the ER through PGAP1 stabilization, slowing protein trafficking (Cao et al. 2023). | Eukaryota |
Metazoa, Arthropoda | Stasimon of Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) |
9.B.27.1.11 | TVP38/TMEM64 family protein of 205 aas and 6 TMSs in a 3 + 3 TMS arrangement. | Bacteria |
Cyanobacteriota | VTT-domain-containing protein of Planktothrix paucivesiculata |
9.B.27.1.12 | Oxalate efflux porter, OT1, possibly a secondary carrier as suggested by the authors, but transport appeared to be dependent on ATP (Yang et al. 2022). The protein is 263 aas long and has 4 - 6 TMSs. | Eukaryota |
Viridiplantae, Streptophyta | OT1 of Hevea brasiliensis (rubber tree) |
9.B.27.2.1 | The YghB protein of 219aas and 5-6 TMSs. When both YghB and YqjA (TC# 9.b.27.2.2) are mutated, cells become alkaline tolerant and resistant to dyes and antibiotics, and a cell division defect is observed (Thompkins et al., 2008). The YqjA protein is 60% identical to YghB, and these two act synergistically to maintain a normal pmf (Kumar and Doerrler 2015). Both of these proteins can replace a deleted DedA protein, DbcA, in Burkholderia thailandensis (Panta et al. 2019). | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | YghB of E. coli (P0AA60) |
9.B.27.2.2 | The YqjA protein is 60% identical to YghB, and these two act synergistically to maintain a normal pmf (Kumar and Doerrler 2015). Perhaps secondarily, when both YghB and YqjA are mutated, the cells exhibit a cell division defect (Thompkins et al., 2008). It has been proposed that YqjA possesses proton-dependent transport activity that is stimulated by osmolarity and that it plays a significant role in the survival of E. coli at alkaline pH, perhaps as an osmosensory cation-dependent proton transporter (a cation:proton antiporter?) (Kumar and Doerrler 2015). | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | YqjA of E. coli 220aas; (220 aas; 6TMSs; 3+3) P0AA63 |
9.B.27.2.3 | DedA (SNARE-associated protein) (Putative selenite transport protein, Ledgham et al., 2005). Topology known (Daley et al., 2005) | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | DedA of E.coli (P0ABP6) |
9.B.27.2.4 | The DedA family member involved in selenite uptake (Ledgham et al., 2005) | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | DedA of Ralstonia (Cupriavidus) metallidurans (ABF09780) |
9.B.27.2.5 | The SNARE-associated Golgi protein (206 aas; 5 TMSs) | Archaea |
Candidatus Parvarchaeota | SNARE-associated Golgi protein of Candidatus Parvarchaeum acidiphilum ARMAN-5 (D6GX19) |
9.B.27.2.7 | Uncharacterized protein of 192 aas | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | UP of E. coli |
9.B.27.2.8 | DedA homologue of 211 aas and 5 TMSs. | Bacteria |
Spirochaetota | DedA of Treponema pedis |
9.B.27.2.9 | DedA homologue of 200 aas and 5 TMSs. | Bacteria |
Candidatus Wolfebacteria | DedA of Candidatus Wolfebacteria bacterium |
9.B.27.2.10 | DedA homologue of 216 aas and 5 TMSs. | Bacteria |
Candidatus Wolfebacteria | DedA of Candidatus Wolfebacteria bacterium |
9.B.27.2.11 | DedA protein, DbcA, of 253 aas and 6 TMSs in a 3 + 3 TMS arrangement. Direct measurement of the membrane potential revealed that B. thailandensis ΔdbcA is partially depolarized. This loss of the pmf may lead to alterations in LPS structure as wellas severe colistin sensitivity (Panta et al. 2019). | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | DbcA of Burkholderia thailandensis |
9.B.27.2.12 | Three domain protein of 770 aas and 12 TMSs with a 6 TMS DedA domain at the N-terminus (PF01569), a central 6 TMS PF09335 domain characteristic of TC family # 9.B.105, and a C-terminal glycosyl transferase domain with 0 TMSs. The protein was annotated because of this last domain (dolichyl-phosphate beta-D-mannosyltransferase) which shows sequence similarity with proteins in TC families 4.D.1 and 4.D.2. Of the tree domains, the DedA domain comes up with the highest scores in a TC Blast search. | Bacteria |
Actinomycetota | 3 domain protein of Nocardioides sp. CF8 |
9.B.27.3.1 | DedA; SNARE-associated superfamilly member of 142 aas and 4 TMSs. | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | DedA homologue of E. coli |
9.B.27.3.2 | DedA homologue of 157 aas and 4 TMSs in a 2 + 2 arrangement. | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | DedA homologue of Haemophilus influenzae |
9.B.27.3.3 | Putative DedA protein of 145 aas and 4 tMSs | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | DedA homologue of Pseudomonas putidas |
9.B.27.4.1 | Hypothetical SNARE-associated protein of 6 putative TMSs in a 3 + 3 arrangement. | Bacteria |
Planctomycetota | HP of Rhodopirellula baltica |
9.B.27.4.2 | VTT domain-containing protein of 216 aas and 5 TMSs in a 3 + 2 TMS arrangement. | Bacteria |
Planctomycetes | VTT domain protein of Roseimaritima sp. |
9.B.27.5.1 | TMEM64 of 380 aas and 6 TMSs. Functions as a regulator of the SERCA2 Ca2+ ATPase (TC# 3.A.3.2.7) by direct interaction, thereby regulating Ca2+ oscillations (Kim et al. 2013). | Eukaryota |
Metazoa, Chordata | TMEM64 of Homo sapiens |
9.B.27.5.2 | Tvp38p SNARE-associated Golgi protein (COG398) | Eukaryota |
Fungi, Ascomycota | Tvp38 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
9.B.27.5.3 | Uncharaterized protein (DedA homologue) of 312 aas and 6 TMSs. | Eukaryota |
Viridiplantae, Streptophyta | DedA homologue of Glycine max |